Let's drink, drink, drink
The Typhoon sirup, Typhoon, Typhoon
Universal panacea
With a spoon
Or into a glasse
Nothing can resist to us
Mister Carouge
Had a red nose
And that was desolated him
A spoon
was salutary to him
He has now a purple nose.
Mrs Leprince
Find herself to skinny
She looked like a stick
She made a cure
without half measure
She's more round than a ball
Mister the Mayor
Have some misery
In the speech he stuttered
A little glasse
was salutary to him
He don't stuttering anymore, cause he's mute
Mister Leon
tootie, tootie
So nice and so round
Rain, rain go away
Never win in trifecta
A hard cure
was salutary to him
Now he's a winner but as jockey
Old man Peter
was single
And would stay it long
He drink a glasse
And one more glasse
He has 10 wives and 30 childrens.
In the village,
all the good children
Earing the bells ringing
Dream that a wizard
Comming from clouds
Some good syrup will give to them