The day you'll leave
Far away from here, elsewhere or there
This day, at least tell me
I'll light up candles in your memory
And since you loved them so much
Those scents of cinnamon, I'll burn incense
For your unfaithful heart
It's not that I'm afraid for love
But that of me
You'll get tired some day
I know that your love is discreet
It only fantasizes in secret
But love is love
The day you'll leave
Blaming without any shame
The overwhelming amount of my caresses
This day
I'll blame your arms for leaving me loveless
And for all your broken promesses
The day you'll leave
Leaving our house, your home
My heart will want to stay quiet
In this emptiness that I already trouble myself with
Without the echo of your voice, your voice, I'll be a prisoner
The day you'll leave
Leave me your address
I'll write you tenderly
This day
At least tell me
I'm standing at your door
A need for love
No, you're not leaving
You're not leaving
Not leaving