I knocked myself out against the railings
The high ones that surround your house
I waited so long for the night
Lying bare-bellied on the lawn
What sorrow are the girls crying for
What tight knot is tying the boys
Soon caught in the nets of life
As wet as two fish
At the time of giving in to envy
The devil under your petticoat
Told you "see, you're no longer your friend's friend"
Look, he's wearing underpants
I hate families forever
Later I will give my reasons
Today I am a boy
Who curses girls
And only gets songs out of them
Get a taste of the child they're laughing at
The one who was sold to the pigs
The one who finds in girls' bellies
The high gates of a house
What tight knot unties the girl
What sorrow is the boy crying for
This lost time that my songs are wiping away
My heart loved more than reason