I'm waiting here in this tunnel
where a cold light glows
where the howling hounds of the dark
meet that choir of brightness
Everything happened so fast
when I always thought, that I'd leave gradually
I'd regret
but I don't know how
or even what for
Would I complain quietly
Lead the way home for the interrupted
Where, how should I be
would I scream, if you were here after all
Take me to where he is
stream be broken before the oar (weird sentence)
Take me to where he is
Ferryman, hear my wish
This light gets in my eyes in the tunnel
where the choir still sings
I learned early how fragile happiness is
how it does not last long
I want to know why long ago
you didn't return
Soon I lost my way
the easy path sloped towards the bend
Take me to where he is
at the dark stream
Take me again (or still) to him
Below the ground and the waters the girl rows
and signs in dead languages
Below the ground and the waters the girl rows
it is an unhurried and calm stream