Once upon in a time, in a time so far away
Far beyond the mountains, in a distant land
Two rival tribes sent one of their bravest men
In order to settle the dealings
One of them was lion-hearted, proud like an eagle
The other one had fear in his eyes, like a phoenix bird
They pulled their weapons, because gods want sacrifice
Laws don't listen to love, they only give the orders
Hamburger, the favourite of the youth
Hamburger, the burnt voice(1) of love
Hamburger, a dream made of double cheddar
Hamburger, there's no other beauty than that
A bit onion and a bit ketchup
A bit salad, mustard and ketchup
Hamburger, the love beyond the physics
Hamburger, together with delicious fries
Hamburger, together with sliced pickles
Hamburger, a window towards the West
Hamburger, the pot flew out of the window(2)
A bit onion and a bit ketchup
A bit salad, mustard and ketchup
Lahmajoon, Lahmajoon
Wander the world, you won't find its equal, the pretty and coquettish lahmajoon
Prepare your table, the one who doesn't eat must be sate, healthy and kittenish lahmajoon
With delicious butter and greenies, the spicy and hot lahmajoon
Bake it for five minutes and it's ready, the gazelle-eyed lahmajoon
Hamburger, old or young doesn't matter for it
Hamburger, blonde or brunette doesn't matter for it
Hamburger, cheerful to everybody
Hamburger, it smiles and doesn't coquet
A bit onion and a bit ketchup
A bit salad, mustard and ketchup
Lahmajoon, Lahmajoon
Roll it and fold it, don't miss the side, the spicy sauced lahmajoon
Along with the sorrel don't forget the rucola, lemoned and sour lahmajoon
If you got thirsty, there's ayran(3) and shalgam(4), lahmajoon
A cure for many sicknesses, alongside its parsley, lahmajoon with frescoed dough
Hamburger, the window towards the West
Hamburger, the pot flew out of the window
Lahmajoon, Lahmajoon
With its plentiful meat and onion, either in happiness or in sorrow
Hamburger, this love is beyond physics
Be it sauced, spicy and with grapes
May the late bird miss it and cry
Lion-hearted Burger, gazelle-eyed Lahmajoon
Steel-handed Burger, Lahmajoon with frescoed dough
Burger, light of my life, and what of my beloved?
Lahburger, Lahburger
Lahburger, Lahburger
And so the story goes on, with no known beginning or ending
And known things are not always said
Both Raky(5) and Ayran are the same, to the one who knows how to drink
Both salt and sugar are the same, to the one who can say I'm sate
Both scarf and baize are the same, to the one who knows how to wear
Both the beautiful and the ugly are the same, to the one who truly loves
Every newborn baby, means a new world
Open your eyes and welcome, baby Lahburger
They reached the happy end, the kerevet(6) is ours
The one who got the flag in this race was Lahburger