You're the wheel, and I am your path
You step on me, revolving
You'll keep revolving, 'cause this is your destiny
Without finding anything that can stop you.
You wanted to stop, but you were revolving reinless
And the circle you did broke me down
'Cause you prefered not to follow the good path
And decided to follow the path where your steps led you to
And I who used to dream about being in your life
In the end, when you had finished (revolving the world)
I saw you, flying by like a lost bird
From here to there, yes you followed your path
No relationship was able to hurt me
And I have had a lot, from the softest to the heaviest
But with you, it broke me down
'Cause you didn't do any stop
I who had you, always by my side
And, in the most unexpected day, you left me
But oh, how awful, I didn't budge
No woman was able to hurt me
But you were, I was broke down
But oh, how awful, I didn't budge
And I who used to dream about being in your life
In the end, when you had finished (revolving the world)
But oh, how awful, I didn't budge
I wanted to try to stop you, but you didn't listen to me
You prefered to go with him, and got away from me
But oh, how awful, I didn't budge
But oh, how awful, I didn't budge
I who gave you my money
You didn't know how to enjoy it, and followed through the bad path
But oh, how awful, I didn't budge
You're the wheel, and I am your path
You step on me, searching for your path
But oh, how awful, I didn't budge
I saw you, flying by like a lost bird
From here to there, yes you followed your path
But oh, how awful, I didn't budge
But oh, how awful, oh how awful
You lost all it, and here you have nothing left
But oh, how awful, I didn't budge