There is in the bal musette1
A tune full of softness
Which makes turn heads
Which makes feel heartbroken
While we are gliding with small steps
Hugging the women we love
In a whisper we tell in a thrill
Listening the accordion play.
It's the blue Java2
The most beautiful
The one which enchants
And which we dance eye to eye
At the joyful rhythm
When bodies are confused
In the world there is
No other dance like it
It's the blue Java
Darling in my embrace
I want to squeeze you more
To better keep the imprint
And the warmth of your body
So many promises, so many oaths
We make in the craziness of a moment
But these oaths full of love
We know we won't always keep them.
1. style of French music and dance that first became popular in Paris in the 1880s. (Wikipedia)2. Java is a Parisian dance appeared during the 30's.