it's the end of the world
even the sea doesn't make any waves
at last this night, all is still
everythings stand finally up
lips and hands answer themselves
words touch themselves without hit
people passing next to each others
don't exist anymore
tonight, the world is sleeping, appease
it's the end of the world
even just for one night long
the world can listen noises
it doing without worring each second
that all set in fire and delete itself
that it could desappear suddenly
since my mouth on your neck
put on
sweeping away every threats
it's the end of the world
it's the end of us both
i promise you a new tour
even i feel that you sound me out
and into my waters , neither submarine
nor torpedos behind my back
only my mouth lay on your hand
the apocalypse
as the mileage on your skin
tonight, the world has no end