I'm not just any guy who cries easily
One of those who complain just from habit
If life lets me, I touch her up
And if she doesn't, my occupation still arouses me
And since it's free to dream
And I don't believe in reincarnation,
With a little bit of imagination
I'll immediately leave for a trip
To live other lives,
To try other names,
To slip into the clothes and skin
Of all men
That I'll never be
Al Capone in Chicago
Legionnaire in Melilla
Painter in Montparnasse,
Merchant in Damasco
Costalero1 in Sevilla
Black man in New Orleans
Dirty old man in Sodoma
Deported to Siberia
Sultan in a harem
Cop? No way
Winner in a fair
Gypsy guy in Jerez
Gambler in Montecarlo
Cigarette in your mouth
Taxi driver in New York
The coolest guy in the neighborhood
I screw because I get the chance
Suspended in religion
Confessor for the queen
Banderillero2 in Cadiz
Barman in Dublin
Communist in Las Vegas
Drowned in the Titanic
Pied Piper in Hamelin3
Billiard player who plays with three balls4
Rebellious in heaven
Owner of a cabaret
Scratch on you back
Tenor in Ricoletto
Pianist in a brothel
Bongo5 player in Havana
Casanova in Venice
Old man in Shangri La
Stowaway in your bed
Vocalist in an orchestra
Best time6 in Le Mans
Reporter on incidents
Detective in a tight spot
Preserved in alcohol
Rapist in your dreams
Suicidal in a viaduct
Handsome guy in a soap opera
Morphine addict in China
War desertor
Boxer in Detroit
Hunter in India
Sailor in Marseilles
Play Boy photographer
But if I'm allowed to choose
From all the lives
I choose
That of the lame pirate with a wooden leg,
With an eye patch,
With a mean face
The old knave, captain
Of a ship that would have as a flag
A couple of tibias and a skull.
1. Members of a Cofradía who carry the floats through the streets during the Holy Week. A Cofradía is a Catholic group deicated to religious training, worship and charity that focus on penitence and show their penitence publicly in the 'Semana Santa' (Holy Week) processions as they carry float the streets. Source2. A torero's assistant3. Literally Flute player in Hamelin, but that's the name for the Pied Piper in Spanish (flautista de Hamelín)4. "Billar" in Spanish can be billiards and pool. "A tres bandas" is a mode that doesn't have any holes in the table, and that uses 3 balls.5. This Cuban drum6. Time record