What gave you the idea of dancing?
Don't think about it, she says to me.
The idea never came to me
Dancing is natural
Then how do you manage to dance so well?
It just happens, she says to me
It starts when I wake up in the morning
Dancing is natural
Driving, slowly
Let your fingers play tambourine on the steering wheel
Forget everything, throw everything away
Your nightmares, your memories, as you get up
The less you think, the more you dance
It's a shame, she says to me
You don't know that you have wings
That's all
Don't you do anything else with all your time?
You aren't there, she says to me
Everything we do, we can do it while dancing
Dancing is natural
Come and dance, we have our whole life ahead of us
Don't think about it, she says to me
As soon as we dance together it complicates everything
Dancing is natural
Driving, slowly,
Thrown around in an old car,
Forget everything, throw everything away
You will see how good the journey seems
The less you think, the more you dance
It's a shame, she says to me
You don't know that you have wings
That's all
Don't you ever need anyone, then?
Need who? she says to me
To dance, you need nothing
Dancing is natural
What gave you the idea of dancing?
Don't think about it, she says to me.
The idea never came to me
Dancing is natural