I found him in a canteen
I lost him in a canteen
I go from canteen to canteen
Looking for the ungrateful one who abandoned me
If you don't love me I'll cut your face
With one of those shaving blades
On the wedding day I'll give you a stabbing
I'll rip out your bellybutton and kill your mom
I'm to find him drunk
Drunk and splayed out on the sidewalk
Drunk and puked up all over
At the foot of a jukebox, crying over his disdain
If you don't love me I'll cut your face
With one of those blades for shaving
On the wedding day I'll give you a stabbing
I'll rip out your bellybutton and kill your mom
If you don't love me I'll cut your face
With one of those shaving blades
On the wedding day I'll give you a stabbing
I'll rip out your bellybutton and kill your mom