It's me, it's the Italian
Is there anyone?
Is there any woman?
From here I can hear the dog
And if you're not dead
Let me in without grudge
I'm coming home a little late, I know
18 years late, that's true
But I've found my matches
In a street of Massachusetts!
It's a journey full of rigours
For a boy in my age
Let me in, open the door
I really can't any longer
If you're here, let me in
You don't know how it was over there
I'm coming back home
I've worked as everything:
As thief, tightrope walker,
Actor, poacher,
Emperor and pianist,
I've known other women, true but
I play really poorly the draughts2, you know...
At the time when I was a gold digger
They3 took me everything, I'm still crying on it
Time passed by over that
When my back was turned
Let me in, open the door
I really can't any longer
If you're here, let me in
You don't know how it was over there
It's me, it's the Italian
I'm back from very far away4
The road was poor
And, after so many years,
After so many heartaches
I'm dreaming of a chair
Open the door, you're here, I know it
I'm so weary, you know
I no longer have any luck but one:
That you haven't got your chance yet
But it's no longer the same dog
And someone turned off the light
Let me in, someone open a door5
I really can't any longer
If there's someone here, let me in
I'll tell how it was over there
1. Maréchal-des-logis is a sub-officer rank used by some units of the French Armed Forces (Wikipedia)2. There's a pun here: le jeu de dames (the draughts) has for literal translation "the ladies' game".3. the ladies from the previous pun4. It can also figuratively mean "It's been a close call".5. In this last chorus, you refers to several people