I’m the man with the cabbage head:
Half vegetable, half guy.
For the lovely eyes of Marilou
I went off and pawned
My Remington and my ride
I was in the depths of the hold,* on the edge
Of my nerves, I didn’t have a kopeck left.
From the day I mixed myself up with
Her I lost almost everything
My job at the cabbage leaf,*
Where scandals equal beefsteaks*
I was finished, fucked, check-
Mate in the eyes of Marilou,
Who treated me like a white-beak*
And drove me half mad.
Oh no you have no idea, guy
She needed discothèques
And dinners at the Kangaroo
Club, so I signed the cheques
Without the funds, it was crazy, crazy
At the end I waited and waited
Like a brainless melon a watermelon
But how No, I’m not just going
Spell it out for you like that, cut and dry.
What? Me? Love her still? Nails!*
Who and where am I? Cabbaged* here or
In the white foam wrack
On the beach in Malibu.