Where is he the child
The child the child-light
Who shows up in with fan
With fan with fanfare
Where is the child ?
Where is he ?
On an island here below ?
On a wing here high ?
Does he walk on the waters
The bones of old fights ?
Where is he ?
Does he ride a unicorn
Crying "hou hou hou !"
And cuckolding
The bad werewolves ?
Where is he ?
Is he already born ?
Or still enclosed
In the womb of a mother
of the next millenium ?
Where is he ?
In which stratosphera,
Which thread of eternity ?
While we wait, we can we do,
So that we will have been worthy of him ?
Where is the child
The child the child-light
Who shows up in with fan
With fan with fanfare
Where is the child ?
Where is he ?
The child who sings
The famous tomorrows
The child who gives birth to
A new human kind
Where is he ?
The child who kills
The child who kills the old man
And who reconstitutes
the Paradise, the apple
Where is he ?
Where is he ?
Where is he ?