In the picture of many layers
With importunate trills of sonorous machines
Walking down a snaky path
Through the hand-made Himalayas of useless things
Let's see
Let's check where do we are
Let's look
Let's estimate where is for us
Somewhere the writhed old age,
Somewhere a crumpled piece of paper in the guileful wind,
Lonely tiredness
Like a kettle left on a yesterday's cooker
Let's see
Let's check where do we are
Let's look
Let's estimate where is for us
In the pictures, in the landscapes
We stretch afar sweetly like shining threads
On the paths unknown
We bury ourselves in dreamy evening dust
Let's see
Let's check where do we are
Let's look
Let's estimate where is for us
Let's see who we are
Let's check where do we are
Let's look who we are
Let's estimate whom shall we take with us