Whom do you believe?
Whom do you believe?
Again blood, again terror act
It's scary to live and it is a fact!
And again panic throws people
Onto the basis for national ideas.
And again ratings of news programs
Fly upwards...
In the background of blood and tears is the social psychosis,
As a real motive it comes up in the head
And here comes the hero and leads with himself
And there a myth borns in your head:
Everything's alright, everything's proper!
R'n'B at night, terror act at morning
Don't worry, sleep well —
The Big Brother will take care of you
He controls everything,
Hasn't forgotten about the grey substance in your head
Vote — and lose
Sleep stonger and know less.
Slaves are mute til you loan them
Corporative feast in the time of a plague
When there are brainwashing on air
By kings and jesters
Their principle is one and simple:
Money and heroin — the best way to quite the hungry mouths
But think seriously and answer the question
Before going to bed
Whom do you believe?
Whom do you believe?
Everything's alright, everything's proper!
R'n'B at night, terror act at morning
Don't worry, sleep well —
The Big Brother will take care of you
He controls everything,
Hasn't forgotten about the grey substance in your head
Whom do you believe?
Whom do you believe?
The symbol of fear proudly flutters:
Power in one paw, cops in another,
He is stronger with every flap,
And stronger is the fear, smaller you are!
Whom do you believe?