Moon is smithing golden broches
from nice astral powder
Day and night revolve
They revolve
Only I can't differentiate them
I'm watching birds flying to you
Crazy wind going to the north
Weather dims and replaces everything
It won't do it to your face only
Thunder sends every storm off
But then there are clear, there are nice days
I love you
Start to believe to my heart
To that shell
Where are you calm, where are you alone
I love birds which fly to you
and wind, which goes to the north
Weather dims and replaces everything
It won't do it to your face only
Thunder sends every storm off
But then there are clear, there are nice days
I love you
Start to believe to my heart
To that shell
Where are you calm, where are you alone
Thunder sends every storm off
But then there are clear, there are nice days
I love birds which fly to you
and wind, which goes to the north...