Please listen to my life story 1
Born in the furthest of the northern countries
My young heart was in the dark 2
And I've lived to this point seeking the light
Unbroken even by a past like that
Hardships, seven hills, the journey of song 3
Today again holding my tears
Earnestly singing my deepest feelings
Even if my voice grows hoarse, even if I lose it
With a strong will, strong will, my earnest Enka way 4
As a sixteen year old flower I gave my life to Enka
With the songs flowing in the back alleys at night
My mother brought me there so I would live 5
Through hardships crossing mountains and rivers
My heart supported by the songs
By the rumble of the sea, the salty breeze and kids' lullabies
Hanging my hopes on the morrow
I will still sing here
Even if my voice grows hoarse, even if I lose it
With a strong will, strong will, my earnest Enka way
1. lit. just "life" 2. osanai = "young" also has a second meaning of "childish, immature", "in the dark" means not understanding the true nature of things/circumstances. 3. Through toil, crossing the seven hills, walking the way of song. Might be connected to 4. konjou = natural disposition/quality. 5. Her mother was a teacher of Rōkyoku (recitation of stories accompanied by samisen) and the samisen itself.