And i'm afraid to promise you and not carry through
to tell you there is and you find there is not(2x)
And i fear if you say ''i'm cold'',i cover you with my feelings and you don't warm up
And i'm afraid to promise you and not carry through
to tell you there is and you find there is not(2x)
And i fear if you say ''i'm cold'',i cover you with my feelings and you don't warm up
Why,i am up to my words that are going to take you from a world to a world,i'm up to them
but if your tears are on your cheek my dreams with you are going to collapse
Strengthen me and say that you're mine so that i can bear my nights and for you to live and for me to live
Why,i never said i was afraid except after my heart desired you
I need to feel reassured but i don't know how to ,the fear is inside of me and inside of you
If you truly love me,hold me close in your bosom,hide me
the fear won't come
And i'm afraid to promise you and not carry through
to tell you there is and you find there is not(2x)
And i fear if you say ''i'm cold'',i cover you with my feelings and you don't warm up