It's Thursday and I do not feel like getting upset no matter how hard you'll try to spite me.
It's Thursday and I do not feel like being upset, you'll find me up above on the clouds.
I'll postpone everything to Sunday and in stead have fun, I'll have fun.
Until today becomes the day before, before yesterday, I shall have fun.
I am the master of the evening and the night is my address
I myself alone, and no one else!
I am the host and I am the invited
I am a "must" (to get invited)and I am the one who bears the responsibility
I am the first, I am the most deserving, and there is no one more important than I today
Today is Thursday
I have in me sorrows, and today I desire to ease the pain
I have pain in me, I'd find it (stop the pain) if I'd find it (The pain he possesses in his heart)
I shall laugh, until my concerns cry
He might order me, and I'll respond not to the poisonous/spiteful.
I shall forget all and throw behind me (the concerns) and not care, I've had enough of the concerns!