I know: all roads have an end
I know: all melodies have an end
The sand pours through my fingers
I feel, as everything passes...
The cold wind chasing the clouds
And the flocks of migratory birds in flight
The river the rivers carry straw wisps away
I feel, as everything passes...
The hand slides noiselessly around the dial
But time no longer bothers me, -
I know all things disappear
I feel, as everything passes...
And every evening, sitting by the window
I watch as the sun set
And each of its rays reminds me
of all that will never return
All trains depart to somewhere…
And I accept, what will happen
I lock into your eyes
And I feel, as everything passes...
My senseless sick life
Will not break into an uncontrolled note
I will melt slowly
and pass away, as everything passes.