A little bit of wine, a little bit of smoke
a lot of sadness in the eyes
sometimes words mean so little
it's all crystal clear
all the words fit in a bottle
the pub will cry tonight as well
Only memories are flying around
like cigarette smoke
somewhere up there, they are socializing with the music
if a glass ever betrays
it should travel to the floor
why it didn't hold on longer
A drop of rain in the ocean
for a Balkan pub
who cares who is crying tonight
pour, let it hurt even more
A little bit of wine, a little bit of smoke
a lot of sadness in the eyes
sometimes words mean so little
it's all crystal clear
all the words fit in a bottle
the pub will cry tonight as well
Don't be angry glass
I love you because you know how to keep quiet
what else are friends for
and it's hard to be a rock
in such crazy times
you also got tired my friend