W: Please look at me for a while, if I am a child or not?
M: You! So little, pretty baby.
W: If so, do I know how to love?
M: No way! you're so teeny
Your heart is young, full of hopes
MW: Aspirations, maybe it's real.
Maybe we'll find happiness
W:I love like crazy, look.
M:This changes over time
W:I promise you will last a lifetime
M:These are dreams.
W:No doubt: neither fantasy nor dream nor lie that:
Our, our, future
MW: What happens if we forget for a moment
What if, we dream up for a while,
What if, fairy tales are real
Or if we're fairy tale itself.
M: No way. My Exhausted heart of painful loves, can not stand this pain
Impossible, Memories between you and me, can not be forgot
W: Let it be. It's like there are hopes growing in my heart.
MW: Aspirations. maybe it comes true. maybe we will find heaven
W:I love like crazy, look.
M:This changes over time
W:I promise you will last a lifetime
M:These are dreams.
W:No doubt: neither fantasy nor dream nor lie that:
Our, our, future
MW: What happens if we forget for a moment
What if, we dream up for a while,
What if, fairy tales are real
Or if we're fairy tale itself.