In such a silence,
In such a silence I can see
I can see the blackly walking,
So blackly, darkly
In silence, in sorrow walking
The hands are wings, the hands as protection,
The wings as protection, my eyes
Are the eyes of sorrow, the hands are wings
In front of a black veil.
I can see them flying to the west,
Silently, so cumbersome, silently
The march of widows, so dakrly
So blackly, the young widows,
Their hands are already wings, protecting their eyes,
The widows´ hands are wings.
I can hear the silent song of sorrow
I can hear the grievous song,
hűvös dalát az özvegyeknek. The coldish song of the widows.
I know the misery, the death´s torture
I can see the dark sky
Seeing the burning horizon
I can hear the cold scream from the wind,
The cold scream of the war.