A long stretch of sand road
that we used to bike together
to the kiosque
After I moved to the city, the mail delivered your letters
They swore upon our friendship every week
You were right, even the strongest ones shall return to their roots
We planted a tree together
Now birds are landing on its branches
My roots, they grow deep within this soil
And that sapling grew to become a tree
It only grows stronger in the winds of the world
My roots, they grow deep within this soil
There are children playing around the inner court
Rock, paper and scissors, they are competing
I wonder where you might be now that you don't live here anymore
We planted a tree together
My roots, they grow deep within this soil
It only grows stronger in the winds of the world
You hid a note in the soil
I searched for my place in this world and I found it by my roots
We planted a tree together
My roots, they grow deep within this soil
Now birds are landing on its branches
And that sapling grew to become a tree
The roots of this tree, they grow deep within this soil