Massey1rumbles to start, Paavo smirks behind the wheel
Puts a baseball cap on his head, knocks a gear on
The tires blow dirt into the air, because you have to reach home
Goddammit we're out of gas, and he even stepped on cow shit
The doors of Kesoil2already clatter and a beer mug purls
The cold job ended awkwardly, drunkenness emphasized his depression
Agricultural entrepreneur, the backbone of our country ahoy
Agricultural entrepreneur, the backbone of our country ahoy
Goddammit we're out of gas, and he even stepped on cow shit
The doors of Kesoil already clatter and a beer mug purls
The cold job ended awkwardly, drunkenness emphasized his depression
Agricultural entrepreneur, the backbone of our country ahoy
Agricultural entrepreneur, the backbone of our country ahoy
1. a Massey Ferguson tractor2. a gas station