Defendent how do you plead, innocence or guilt?
Tell us then of your ideals destroyed or built
Each action or reaction shall judgment be involked
Whether your emotions were open or provoked
Beware the verdict handed down upon and sized
Then at the time you shall be loved or despised
The gavel drops to catch your moment this one
The good or evil, in the way in which it was done
A counselor will advise you always in legal bounds
While the jury warrants desolate sounds
The state of the prosecutor's backing attacks
Weakness of character or personality lacks
No mediation to take place in prejudged trial
Determined guilt in the black-shrouded smile
Sentenced to enshamed days head hung low
A haunting shadow trails wherever you go
Paroled not, nor probation be within reach
Yet they too practice not what they preach
Position of perfection held by feeble fool
Harlequin law, alas Yorick warms the stool
Will justice really ever be done in verdict's lips
In moistened, tainted hemlock dregs he sips
Alas I think not poor soul that I am, yes
The answer I know not nor even try to guess
Remember well just one great thought
Unto another bear judgment naught