We are permanently in the present
It goes up and forward
A new task
They play and don't lose
The fear of falling
isn't worth
'Cause every attempt
is a treasure itself
There are rests of doubts
which are ploughing your heart
But it's only the breath
which feels lonely
And the next mountain
which is screeming for being climbed
No uncertainty
which knows all better
In an emotional roller coaster
as a part of the symphony
All thoughts worked out
A throw, your team
And the shaking
which sweeps you away
where your luck pulsates
That is calles life
And the head gets going
in euphoria
That's the shaking
One for all
and all are one with you
Everyone for everyone
The promise
It happens when we're together
And you hear the calling
There's nothing to keeo us here
On a solid ground
Your heart is beating in front of you
The air is nervous
It stings your skin and is only shimmering
You come along to the edge
Together in the open fields
The ghost is catching lightnings
In the tunnel, being live
It's the blowing colours
for which all is worth
And the next mountain
which is screeming for being climbed
No uncertainty
which knows all better
In an emotional roller coaster
as a part of the symphony
All thoughts worked out
A throw, your team
Everyone for everyone
That's the shaking
One for all
and all are one with you
Everyone for everyone
The promise
It happens when we're together