Would I have imagined that I would find myself here
A pen nib poised on my skin
The eyes of my executioner which don’t leave me
My whiteness makes him afraid, I know that he’s looking for his words
I am a blank page, I wasn’t asking for anything
But to stay on my tree and to wait for the end
Me I liked the wind losing itself in my leaves
the murmur of the sap that gave me life
Me I liked the perspective that I had on things
I didn’t see the blade that betrayed me coming
If I had at least served as an official paper
For signing treaties and protecting the weak
Or been in the hands of a forgotten poet
Who threw me his verses as one seeks a friend
I could have been pressed again the heart of a child
Hearing in my lines the voice of his lover
Or been the paper plane of an 8 year old kid
And flown in the air on the laughter of children
Or been in the pages of a history book
Which says that the path is still so long
But now I feel the pen stroking me
And the letters form themselves as the ink swirls
I’ve never seen anything heavier than the weight of these words
It’s the misery of a man that I feel on my back
He says “I want to finish with my life
Forgive me my love but I’m stopping here
It’s not your fault if I lay down my arms 1
But I’ve lost my chance of winning down here”
And me, it was my role to carry all these words
And the tears of a woman will fall on me soon
I could have been pressed again the heart of a child
Hearing in my lines the voice of his lover
Or been the paper plane of an 8 year old kid
And flown in the air on the laughter of children
But I am turning the page of a sad story
Which says that the road wasn’t so long
Not so long
Not so long....
1. The French expression "baisser les bras" (lower one's arms) means to surrender. I have used the English expression "lay down one's arms" as it carries the same meaning. But note that the "arms" in the English expression are weapons.