The future is planetary
There are six billion humans on Earth
But everyone lives his live alone
Everyone has his habits
Everyone has his certitudes
And love is the worst of solitudes
When I'm indefferent about the Universe
When I don't feel like doing anything
When life puts me to sleep like a soporific
I invented the formula
That beats out all the pills
Even if it makes me look like a sumnambulist
I d-d-d-dance in my head
I d-d-d-dance in my head
I d-d-d-dance in my head
Even if I'm standing in the subway
Even if I'm sitting at my desk
Every day the same words
The same robot moves
There's something to become insane
What do you think about that?
There's really something to become insane
But I don't care
I d-d-d-dance in my head
I d-d-d-dance in my head
I d-d-d-dance in my head
What ever we do or what ever we say
From everywhere they stallite us
They watch us, they compute us
By seeing it so much
I begin to wonder
If my head won't swallow me
Outside neon tubes turn on
All right!
I prefer to watch the moon
All night...
Laid naked on my bed
In the night's heat
Police sirens
Howl like wolves
I would like as Alice
To fall in a big hole...
I d-d-d-dance in my head
I d-d-d-dance in my head
I d-d-d-dance in my head