...The village is quiet, a starry night...
...A fire can be seen in the distance, coming closer...
Forward rides the king of the trolls
With brother wolf, out for hunting
All living things flee, foe and friend
Blood will drench this solitary place
Out of the darkness of his never-ending hall,
He departs, a thirst to quench,
Now they flee on crooked legs,
Many lives to take, a hundred legs to break
The troll lord's company cutting forth,
Through solemn forest and frozen peaks
They slay what they see and find all that is hidden,
Heads will soon decorate their holy rocks
Everywhere solemn and dark,
Sun rises, no life to be seen
In the Underworld a successful hunt celebrated,
Afterwards again, quiet will reign for centuries...
Wretched human, you trespass here!
Soon the trolls will drag you to the mountain