Hopes turned out like Yunus * , have looked out and there is a chaos .
There is a southern wind on the wet harbours that I want to anchor.
The lobsters in the walloping boiling water .
I have a very strong voice but the one without heart ,the ear of the earless -2
You are the religion , the flame and the sassy
My burnt heart without the flames.
If what I see is true then this walking out is faithless.
My memories got older with me but died earlier .
This vesicles out of water are the witnesses of my death.
I have no canon ball nor a tank
Scoopers pour out boiling water behind me ,
Burns everywhere , burns all of me .
They all are very aware , my soul dives into death .
Whoever dives , will dive and go .
The leaf which abandons it's branch , dies
My voice is becoming weaker increasingly
My sirens are not capable of shouting
Abused with flames .
All of a sudden , it happens and it's over
The nightmares are same as the dreams .
They both come to an end , like life , like time
The world is a tale and we all are stories .
Rap is a country of words , meaning to meaning , Ocean to Ocean . 3
Take my letter and see my sorrow
Find my dervish - saint - , ask your situation
Sooner or later , roads become one
Ah ! Time is the final decision, conclusion
Omen to omen , will end the era
Vah 4' my dervish , roads are full of stones
Fortune -tellings are empty , our work is problematic
Hanging there on the hill , all the heads cut sharply by the past .
You are drunk , I am in the past .
Who found , who has been spiritually enlightened .
My heart has reached it's limit of questions .
Gassal ( male person who cleans a persons dead body after death before islamic burial ) have exchanged a few words with me.
He has came close and said " the life was as cold as the death " help I said dear god ,
My instinct has said , get up , overcome this night and look forward to future , there is your sun there ! .
Come on , I urge you to think , life has become difficult
Death has unknown time of arrival , time arrives quietly
Corpse has taken off to its journey,
I found a way , and found the comfort ,
I have being true to myself and advocate of the way I found out to be the truth and always defended it ,
I have held tight to the unsnapped strings of my longings .
I found a ball of melancholia ,and I flew with it on and on.
I saw that everyone moves from one person to another -relationship - , the people of my country ,
I have asked them , mate why there is this lost of path with you , my path less -spiritual meaning - friend.