They were parachute silk with stars (?)
They had automatic happiness
Like the light of four suns, her gaze
This feeling will never come back again
Isabell was a country lass
She ran through the snow after Prince Robert
They had flown high in the apartment and then
He mustered his courage (and said):
"Izzy lock the door from the inside
There were more than two cups and even more than ten
You are not allowed on the bicycle and you shouldn't go by foot too
You are not allowed to walk anymore"
Izzy was simply not interested in breakfast
She took her coat and went smoking in the open
Robert cried out after her, "Wait, I know one more joke:
Which animal has 2 more feet when it sits?"
Then the train came and Izzy was thankful
Because the thing with Robert was more like a terrible cramp
She wanted to draw a heart on the window and decided against it
Robert piped up and it began to rain
"Izzy don't board and listen to me
What I want to say is very easy to understand
You are not allowed to go by tram and not by foot as well
You are not allowed to walk anymore"
And the people cried "Come on Robert, do what you have to."
And he jumped at the moving train, smashed the window and gave Izzy a kiss
"Oh, Izzy I was with you the entire time, you will never guess what."
"As a peacock?"
As every fairytale goes this one ends well
The curtain falls, the mob breaks into applause
Friends and foes, men and women
Run out onto the street and sing:
"(Izzy the door from inside) Izzy lock the door from inside
There were more than two cups and even more than ten
You are not allowed on the bicycle and you shouldn't go by foot too
You are not allowed to walk anymore"