Along all of our searches
You're always you, always you
Similar different, we are sometimes between us
You're always you, always you
Like water in the desert
Only you sing to me
Words about the tomorrow (future)
I'm almost not myself anymore
In the middle of a cold night
You come back and sing
I'm not myself anymore
You're always my life
You're always my life
You're always my life
I'm not alone
At the end of all of our roads
You're always you, always you
We go (and) we come back, like rains, (back) to us
You're always you, always you
And even if it is late
You're still singing
Like a joyful child
I'm almost not myself anymore
And when the heart breaks
You come back and sing
I'm not myself anymore
You're always my life...
Your silences (are like) arrows that penetrate me within
Your words (are like) flowers that decorate my life
You're always calming me with your voice
Singing to me
You are always my life...