I'd never let you read that
I'd never write it
I wouldn't go to your door, that didn't happened
I didn't kiss you at the doorway
You never hold me, I never lose a breath for you
You didn't ask me to dance
I didn't travel by your side, I didn't go to the show
That wasn't the night that you lived with me
There's nothing to worry, I won't turn crazy, I won't think of you
You won't invite me to lunch, I won't stay here to sleep
You'll only be a number, I won't see you again
Never will I undress
I won't be your wife, I won't have your child
That is not the life that you chose for me
It won't be the life that you chose for me
I don't remember illusion, nor your hands on me
If once you destroyed me, it'd seem more like a dream than what I've lived with
There's someone who believe in love that appears
That last forever and that it's love
But we're to be saved from that perfect illusion
Because that someone are neither you nor me
Because that someone won't be neither you nor me
Because that someone are neither you nor me