What is it you need now?
Torment yourself to understand the world
Let every wind blow you in
Nothing is worth your dismay
Look at us instead
Cry for love if you get lost
Hate me if you're put aside
Shout if love cries out loud
Because we here, infinite us
We are the innocent time
That comes from the silence of the world
Around us
Who ever listens to you?
Sweet and desperate among the people
Where your hands are rejected
What is not yours is worthless
Because we here, infinite us
We are the innocent time
That comes from the silence of the world
Around us
I will listen to you
Voice of amazed feeling
I will be your time in a moment
With the pride of sleeping next to you
Look again at us
Cry for love if you get lost
Hate me if you're put aside
Shout if love cries out loud
(Repeats several times)