He has horns and tail
My Guardian angel
he is a demon who enjoys
never let me have f some fun.
He sleeps in my brain, but
always at the best part
he wakes up, yawns, he tells me:
"Brake or we are in trouble".
I do not know what to do with him
I do not know what to do with him.
It lurks in the heart and
as soon as I say 'love'
he looks, coughs, he tells me:
What a liar are you?
Put his mouth on everything,
he has eyes everywhere
and invents duties and remorses
that I would not have.
Nothing to do with him
it's too strong, so
in Heaven he will take me
in Heaven he will guide me
in Heaven he will take me.
My Angel comes from the Middle Ages
My Guardian angel
it does not follow fashions, it tells me:
"What blatant you are".
I tried to tempt him,
I tried to buy it,
he does not give up
to my arguments.
He is incorruptible
loyal to duty, so
in Heaven he will take me
in Heaven he will guide me
in Heaven I will do
in Heaven I will bore myself!