Slamming my fingers in the drawers
Slamming my fingers in the drawers for fun
I'm In between jobs
Got some money
I don't need to participate
On an earth level for a few weeks
I can hang out in parking lots
I can hang out in parking lots
And between walls
I'm traveling light now
You're wrapped up
Full of youth and age
Full of fear and fear
Rooting through the change in your pockets
Counting it, [ ]
Places to be
People to see
Stacking it up
Sleeping early
Drinking orange juice
Frying an egg
Speaking in dignified nouns and verbs
Flushing toilets
Getting along with people
Containing it
Containing time
Running back and forth
Doing plank but not jumping
Shedding skins like a desert snake
Puking now and then
Keeping horizons low
And hands with knuckles
Hands with knuckles
That kind of stuff
I love it when it's like that
But fucking hate it when it's like that
What happens when you're stopping
When you're in between jobs
Sleep [ ]