Oh sorry for my bad talks
probably that's because there's rust between me and nature
and if you drive me to a tourist farm
I'm bored after just two hours (lit. I'm crashing my bollocks-means to bore oneself to death)
the thing is I need these smells
I need this thin powder in my lungs
I need dealers and entrepreneurs
I love my hell and all its gironi
I love winter and its chilblains
I live in Milan with all its grayness
I live in Italy with all its principles
I made my room amongst disertors
(they say me) "go on that way and you'll eventually die"
since elementary school but
All I love to do is either immoral or illegal
"But why???"
All I love to do is either immoral or illegal
Where to be healthy, and cheer *
nights, drinking out and working
having babies but
then I see dads
of my same age
full of debts and troubles
sometimes somebody even goes visiting neighbours
with rifles
a society which is dangerous for your health
I love staying on the edges of it
and spitting when I bend over
The fact is there's some people who misinterprete
my way of behaving
and bothering who hasn't the sense of humour
I love neapolitan singers **
I'm a fan of their music videos
I love watching all nights
american serials
watching Italy then
piercing your tongue
spitting over villa and family
on the cultural heritage
on provincial myths
All I love to do is either immoral or illegal
"but why"
All I love to do is either immoral or illegal
and doing music for butchers***
for an audience that doesn't give a fuck of copyright
"but why!?"
All I love to do is either immoral or illegal
Is eating junk food
cigarettes' stench
parties with the doctor's daughter ****
so he can write me prescriptions
I love maalox plus
because I go for junk food
for bluetooth headphones
for super-weed and poker rooms
if I catch gamma rays I go Hulk
and I don't feel this phobia no more
I run against armageddon
drinking a vodka redbull
Father, forgive my original sin but
All I love to do is either immoral or illegal
"but why!?!"
high on metanphetamines
high on ketamine
frail as they're made out of clay
who gives a fuck, every night 5 guys like me die
car crashing on the evil
I was escaping from
On the newspaper they'll just say
oh, they were all on drugs
fuck, we're complaing even we have all that we could want
we can choose one between tea, vodka or gin,
tre, vodafone or tim *****
we're free but without escaping lanes
I love deep reed so I want a wound
All I love to do
fighting with who's bigger than me
coming back home with a black eye
all I love to do
this makes me feel a bit less broke
and If you hurt me I won't give a fuck about
All I love to do is either immoral or illegal
"But why"
All I love to do is either immoral or illegal