He was barely eighteen years old
He was as handsome as a child
As strong as a man.
it was summer time, naturally
Looking at him, I could tally
My nights in autumn
I put my curls back into place
Some more foundation on my face,
That made him grin.
And when he started approaching,
I would have given everything
Just to seduce him
He was barely eighteen years old,
That was the best reason for all
His sweet victory
He did not say a word of love.
According to him, words of love
Were derisory/unnecessary
He told me " I want you, baby''
He had heard that in a movie,
Boys become true men
In the deep of some random bed,
All astonished, I discovered
A superb heaven.
He was barely eighteen years old
It made him a little too bold,
Out of cocksureness
And as he put his clothes back on
I, already conquered, returned
To my loneliness
I wish I could have held him back
Although I let him do his sack,
Not batting a lid.
He told me That wasn't so bad
In his inferrnal and candid
Voice of eighteen
I put my curls back into place
Some more foundation on my face,
My daily routine.
I had just simply forgotten
That I was more than twice eighteen.