What's happened to me?
i'm with a rounder face but it's never pale
less sure but
stronger at times for the great humility
to have napped on the desks at school
i would never/never used to hold back the knots in my throat
because at times i was tired of fighting
but i always had time to think
not now
I look at you absently and i say:
"you won't get inside, you won't get inside of me
no more now, you won't hurt me again!".
because I clench my teeth with all my might
and yet to not uncover myself i pull myself
back a little and a little more
Moon, listen to me
if from that corner
of altitude
you know more than me
now squeeze me
i don't want to lose myself
but right now i can no longer find
the child inside me
What happened to you, too?
what is it, you're tired by now of telling me
that i'm not around anymore?
you who knows with great humility
the integral version of me
who jealously guards the "whys"
try to give me back that absurd irony
the crazy desire to go away
but going back home
but now i look at you absently
and i say:
"you won't get inside!
you won't get inside of me!
you won't hurt me again!"
and now you don't even rebel
you don't argue and you give in
help me
i beg of you
Moon, listen to me
if from that angle
of highness
you know more than me
It hops over the bridges between the mind and heart
the extreme threshold of pain
pride and its immense sea
to make understood that i think about it
because i suffer intense love
because i continue playing with the wind
but i can no longer find the child inside me
because i laugh again for no reason
and i navigate distracted and alert
naive but using my head
either all or nothing...or always or enough!
and i am here to find myself
and i'm asking you for help.