I ran for President
'Cause I thought I was the best
So what happened?
The primaries told me
I was better than the rest
So what happened?
It should of been all so exciting
And not such an uphill fight
Why can't I convince this dumb country
To keep the White House...
I've always longed to help this nation
On this I've been heck-bent
I will honor and serve all its people -- well... 53 percent
A Mormon who likes horsies
What's so scary about that?
I must trust that my Lord is mightier
And doesn't see me as a highfalutin' brat
Now I must be completely devout
I can't have even one shred of doubt
I believe...
That corporations are people
I believe...
That I am unemployed
And I believe...
That a tax rate of 14 percent on the $20 million I made last year is totally fair
I am a Mormon
And a Mormon just believes
You can't hide your faith from the people
The people is transparency
My religion's non-threatening and happy
Like Donny and Marie
I can't let Barack "Rock the Vote"
While my country goes to hell
So Ann tries to make me look human
And take down that biaatch...
Ladies and gentlemen: The Mormon Tabernacle Choir!
I believe...
That airplane windows should open
I believe...
That dressage is a manly sport
And I believe...
That it's super-normal to strap your family dog to the top of your car
I am a Mormon...
And doggone-it!
A Mormon just believes
I know that I must go and do
The things my God commands
And He commands
I rule the USA
I give Him a tenth of all of my cash
So He owes me big
You better help me beat
I believe...
That abortion is always murder
I used to believe...
That women have a right to choose
So I'll believe...
Whatever the really nice people with money in this room want me to believe
(Rich people!)
You can be a moron -- er -- a Mormon
A Mormon who just believes
And now I can feel the excitement
The election of a billionaire
And I look so presidential
With my fucking perfect hair
The Scriptures say that a righteous man
Will reap what he shall earn
Lord help me reap every American
With my bullshit tax return!
I believe...
That Big Bird is the problem
I believe...
That if you have $200,000 in the bank
You're poor!
And I believe...
That Obama-care is socialist even thought it's exactly what I created in the first place
And I believe...
The Lord will respect me
He'll keep Blacks and Latinos and homos and women and Jews from voting
And elect me
You'll be a Mormon
'Cause by gosh
A Mormon just believes
Oh, I believe...
I believe!