Down by the elderberry bush, blossoms grow delicately
Feathery white like snow, here on the tranquil lake
Where the young maids bathe.
Down by the elderberry bush, a fair lady
Wears the sun in her hair, dances so strangely
That the fog billows.
Down by the elderberry bush, she spins silk delicately
Fine as a girl-child’s hair, she spins every year
Until the snowflakes fall.
Down by the elderberry bush, the spindle falls still,
A thread broken, she gently attends her work
And makes the snowflakes fall.
As if in quiet splender under her watch,
When the snowflakes fall
Rest assured, my child, that they are indeed blossoms,
When the snowflakes fall.
Down by the elderberry bush, there on the Mirror Lake
Her white veil falls, minding, from under the white,
All the good souls.
Down by the elderberry bush, threefold in form
Through her deep gate, she soon brings aloft
Blossom-white lives.
As if in quiet splender under her watch,
When the snowflakes fall
Rest assured, my child, that they are indeed blossoms,
When the snowflakes fall.