That my affection for you means something
You always clearly denied that in front of me
You said that at the moment you're not ready
For a life you lead when you're two
My heart already climbed the highest mountain of emotion
Yours skived off and mine didn't notice that.
Imagine, we could see all the little packages we carry
Imagine, we could still not understand
What we say
Overtake me
I passed you by
Overtake me
I think I only want to take a break
When you're standing somewhere behind me
I overwhelmed you with my feeling
My heart is practicing long jump while yours is still limping a little bit
I ventured too deeply into your territory
Instead of catching you I chased you away
Imagine, we could see all the little packages we carry
Imagine, we could still not understand
What we say
Overtake me
I passed you by
Overtake me
I think I only want to take a break
When you're standing somewhere behind me
Overtake me
I passed you by
Overtake me
I think I only want to take a break
Overtake me
I passed you by
Overtake me