I've lét my mind just gó blank
Yet I could come úp with sómething mínutes agó
I néed to tell you sómething
Sómething you knów
Words that I ówe you
That I should sáy
I've lét my mind just gó blank
So that I cán't build a cástle made out of líes
That álways slip through quíckly
Ór better yét
The wórds now gót lost
They weren't míne.
Trý me
Try to belóng
Put your héart togéther, feel up to féeling and then
Trý me
Try to belóng in hére a little hárder.
I've lét my mind just gó blank
And I wish áll that I got could be‿enóugh for you, tóo
So trý to únderstánd me
Júst feel me óut
But first come clóser, and listen hárd.
Your béauty‿is like a wéapon
So béautifúl that makes it hárd to keep up wíth you
No lónger wíll I úse words
Dón't say I shóuld
'Cáuse all this tálking - becómes just móot.
Trý me
Try to belóng, you're on Fréccia Rádio, dón't fake the fúnk and you should
Trý me
Try to belóng in hére a little hárder.
I've lét my mind just gó blank
Or máybe it's my mínd that is máking me blánk
I'd bé supposed to téll you
Sómething you knów
Words that I ówe you, that I should sáy
I've lét my mind just gó blank
I wísh I were contént with just áll that I have gót
But Í don't speak in ríddles
Júst feel me óut
But first come clóser,
and listen hárd.
Trý me
Try to belóng
Put your héart togéther, feel up to féeling and then
Trý me
Try to belóng in hére a little hárder
Trý me
Try to belóng, you're on Fréccia Rádio, dón't fake the fúnk and you should
Trý me
Try to belóng in hére a líttle hárder.