Society disintegrates.
Each family at the brink of war.
Corruption and bad government
make the city an inferno.
Screams and accusations,
lies and treachery,
destroy reason itself.
Indifference is born,
conscience is annulled,
and there's no ideal that will not disappear.
And everyone swears that they just don't understand
because all their dreams are turned to shit.
And they talk to me about the past in the present,
blaming others for the problem
of our common hypocrisy.
The heart becomes a war trench.
It's motto is "every man for himself".
And just like that the face of a friend
is fused with that of the enemy.
Our mediums of information
augment our confusion
so that the truth is a lie and vice versa.
Our illusion creates desperation
and the cycle continues with much more force.
And lost within the cacophony,
the will of an entire community is drowned.
And between the insult and the Hail Mary,
I can distinguish the jailer from the prisoner,
within our hypocrisy.
There are no longer "lefts" or "rights",
just pretexts and excuses,
a miserable state of rhetoric
for a planet of ambidextrous people.
There is no united front.
There is no social justice
nor solidarity with one's neighbor.
It's where evil comes from,
and government abuse
ends up blocking up our paths.
And everyone insists that they don't understand
because their dreams have turned to shit.
And we talk about the past in the present,
allowing our future to pass us by
as well live in our hypocrisy.