Hey you! Hey you!
Listen to me
I want to
Tell you something about me
I've never done this before
Except with you
Maybe that will help you
I do actually not know you
I only see how sad you are
No my friend, life ain't easy
D*mn, it's hard, you have to do something, that's what I say all the time
And not that you think he only babbles, I know what I talk about
After all I rap myself free of this sh*t with every song
Listen, I tell you something so you'll not be sad anymore
Something that might to you seem truely unbelievable
I grew up in the GDR, yes you got that right
But that a Wall existed was not of interest for me
I was a proud pioneer though caged like an animal
Mama said that the neighbors secretly spy on us
And since they seemed to monitor us, she wanted to flee to the West
Pack up things, children on her hand, escape over night
And we provisorily quarter at some relative's house
But not for long since there was an empty place at the asylum home
In the middle of Wedding between Apachees and Aldis and with the
New Homies I broke into Aldi at night
Because a boy from the East wasn't really hot in the West
I recieved beatings for my family background nearly every day
And since then I swore to myself to make a secret out of it
So that my Homies had no reason to laugh about me
Why I tell you this now, I do not exactly know
Probably because you just look this way with your tearful eyes
But I believe under the water there's a face which is nice
I hope this song wipes away your tears
Then we moved to the Mv, a quarter at the outskirts
And from then on things happened, not a hair left on the balls
But making pranksters because Mama did not have enough money
So I learned how to do things on the street
School was of course a minor matter
You're simply released to life after the 10th class
And then once again I stood there with nothing
Mama got myself an apprenticeship as an educator
But I got kicked out and moved out of home
Without a lodging I stayed at Bobby's with an air bed on the ground
No perspective, no prospect on something better
Only a lot of this stuff which lets you forget - too much of it
I know I do not know you
But I tell you this
So you know how many facettes life has
I mean, sometimes everything goes down but you learn from your mistakes
And then it goes up again, look, fate was on my side
It will do the same for you, it will get better, believe in yourself
The futures turns on your face - same as on mine - a bright smiles
Don't simply run around, look at the positive side, that's not hard
I had this dream, I have followed it and now I am someone