A party is going on in the farm
The party of my life
I look at the pretty women1
They are happy like kids
They are happy like kids
Everybody rides a horse
And laughs all long day
And, as a true man,
I drink my tequila
A party is going on in the farm
The party of my life
I look at the pretty women
They are happy like kids
They are happy like kids
A party is going on in the farm
The party of my life
And right now, I want to
dance with the pretty woman
dance with the pretty woman.
Everybody rides a horse
And laughs all long day
And, as a true man,
I drink my tequila.
A party is going on in the farm
The party of my life
And right now, I want to
dance with the pretty woman
dance with the pretty woman.
A party is going on in the farm
The party of my life
I look at the pretty women
They are happy like kids
They are happy like kids.
Everybody rides a horse
And laughs all long day
And, as a true man,
I drink my tequila.
1. Rancherita: the woman who works in a Ranch. Once that there is not a proper English translation for that, the possible translation was 'pretty woman', which does not express the full meaning, but alludes to beautiful women, who the singer was looking at.