May God forever keep the laughs (between us) and we stay in love and yearningly (for each other)
And never forbid me from seeing your face when I wake up and when I fall asleep
And congratulate us for our love, and farthen anything that would distance us
My soul’s twin that looks like me, my heart’s love and passion
And Hala Hala, Hala to the one that’s loyal and found my heart enough
Hala to the patient Hala to the love of the years (of my life)
I love you crazily and to me you’re worth the universe
Beyond my heart and Hala, Hala and a hundred Hala
I love you in the silence, and in your love I’d die
I love and I yell and on my face I fall
Beyond my heart and Hala, Hala and a hundred Hala
Hala and a hundred Hala, Hala and a hundred Hala
And Hala Hala for how I feel with you, I don’t think there’s any limits to it
I’m not bothered by any sadness, as long as you’re present
And Hala Hala, Hala Hala
~ ~ ~ ~ the melody ~ ~ ~ ~
If you leave my eye I can’t be patient for a moment
Like the crazy that’s adamant (stubborn) only by your face I’m satisfied (accept)
I didn’t find anyone like you, and I don’t think like you I would ever find
And any day that goes without you, you’d find me depressed (can’t stand it)
And Hala Hala, Hala to whom I’m addicted and attached
my first and my last, who loves with conscience
I kiss them and the honey on my lips stays
Beyond my heart and Hala, Hala and a hundred Hala
My wings to which I fly with, on the cloud I become
All of you is not little, I die for the heavy (the rich and heavy in value, like heavy gold)
Beyond my heart and Hala, Hala and a hundred Hala
And Hala Hala for how I feel with you, I don’t think there’s any limits to it
And sadness does not bother me, as long as you’re present
And Hala Hala, Hala Hala
~ ~ ~ ~ the melody ~ ~ ~ ~