Already Christmas, the time flies
the pressure of a moving train
on the windows and lit chandeliers in the rooms of memories,
I wore a new face,
on a wedding dress
and I buried the dauntless desire to have you at my side
There is another woman in the mirror,
in whose look there is no fear
how precious is your absence
in this happy occasion
in east the day is pawing, it will not be late
Look at the sunrise that teaches us to smile,
it almost seems that it invites us to be reborn,
all starts,
gets old,
the love changes all
one forgets the mood of a dream with the time
Already Christmas, the time flies,
everyone is having a dinner which is cold,
my father with the false beard
and with a red hat on the head
and rushing life floods in, in the urgency of perspective
I already see the eyes of my son
and his toys for the house,
in east the day is pawing,
the night cast downs weapons and darkness
Look at the sunrise that teaches us to smile,
it almost seems that it invites us to be reborn,
all starts,
gets old,
changes form,
the love changes all
even the most agonizing pain tames
all starts,
gets old,
the love changes all
in the closing at the sunset the flower regenerates